The Basics of Water Pollution

     Water pollution is the main cause for the loss of our fresh water supply. Polluted water is cause by the faults of man. The trash we dispose of into the bodies of water contaminates it forever. The effects of water pollution are immense; some one would never really expect the full potential of a simple piece of trash. The issues are so wide spread, that the EPA has declared that 40% of our lakes, streams, and rivers unsafe for swimming and fishing. (Khan)


The Causes . . .

        There are quite a few ways to cause water pollution. Polluting a body of water is as simple as tossing away an empty can of soda, even if it was not thrown directly into the water. That empty can could easily find its way to a stream, river, pond, or ocean, depending on your location. The main contributors of water pollution is our big businesses. All the waste theses businesses create has to go somewhere, and much of it can easily end up in our bodies of water. The worst culprit is plastic factories. Plastic is far from biodegradable, which means it does not decompose well in the environment without an outside force acting upon it, so that is bad news for our bodies of water. Also all the harmful chemical waste coming out of factories is a major cause in the pollution of water.